Leaving Lights On or Toilet Seat Up Among Most Common Arguments for Couples

Can’t we all just get along? It’s not so easy once you move in with your better half. A recent survey finds the top things couples bicker about include leaving the toilet seat up, not putting dishes away, and leaving the lights on.

The poll of 2,000 British adults living with a partner found one in four clash heads over a significant other starting on the housework, but not actually finishing it.

Other quarrels in the top 30 list include not dusting properly, failing to “squeegee” the shower after use. leaving crumbs in the bed, and whose turn it is to clean the floor. How much time they spend on their phone, leaving dishes to soak for ages before washing them, and not taking the trash out are also among the top tiffs. Incredibly, all of these cause more problems than not flushing the toilet or managing the bills properly.

But the study, conducted by OnePoll and commissioned by cleaning product brand Method, finds the fights aren’t always minor disagreements. Three in five respondents (59 percent) admit their domestic disputes can lead to the complete breakdown of the relationship. And 39 percent believe the bulk of their spats arise from a cleaning or household chore disagreement – with 13 percent getting into an argument about this on a daily basis!

Top 30 Most Common Household Arguments For Cohabiting Couples

1. Leaving lights on around the home

2. Leaving the toilet seat up

3. Not putting dishes away

4. Starting but not completing the housework

5. Whose turn it is to clean the floor (vacuuming, mopping, etc.)

6. Not squeegeeing the shower door/glass wall after showering

7. Leaving dirty clothes on the floor

8. Dropping crumbs in the bed

9. Not dusting properly

10. Not making the bed

11. Not listening

12. Leaving crumbs on the side

13. Not taking the trash out

14. Leaving dirty plates in the sink

15. How much time they spend on their phone

16. Leaving plates to “soak” for ages before washing up

17. Not loading/unloading the dishwasher

18. Making plans without checking you’re free first

19. Who is cooking the evening meal

20. What film/TV series to watch

21. How to decorate the house

22. Not flushing the toilet

23. How loudly they listen to music

24. Not making enough effort with each other’s family

25. The amount of sports they watch

26. Inviting people over without consulting you first

27. Who is responsible for getting the groceries

28. Having to socialize with partner’s friends

29. What to do with a spare room

30. How to manage the bills properly

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