The Most Stressed States For 2023 And NM Has Made The List

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Stress can come from all kinds of different sources, from work deadlines to a fight with your boyfriend, and these days, people are certainly dealing with a lot of stress. But it turns out, where you live can affect stress levels, and new research reveals where people are the most - and least - stressed out.

  • WalletHub compared all 50 states in 41 key indicators of stress to determine where people live a more relaxing life.
  • They looked at factors in four key areas: work, money, family and health & safety-related stress.
  • And they analyzed everything from average hours worked per week to median income to divorce rates in each state.
  • Based on all of this, Mississippi tops the list as the most stressed state. It’s first for money-related stress, fourth for work-related stress, and seventh for health & safety-related stress.
  • On the flip side, the least stressed state in 2023 is Minnesota, which is 50th for money-related stress, 47th for family-related stress and 44th for work-related stress.

Top 10 Most Stressed States in 2023

(Click here to see where your state lands on the list)

  1. Mississippi
  2. Louisiana
  3. New Mexico
  4. West Virginia
  5. Nevada
  6. Arkansas
  7. Alabama
  8. Kentucky
  9. Texas
  10. Oklahoma

2023’s Least Stressed States

  1. Minnesota
  2. Utah
  3. New Hampshire
  4. South Dakota
  5. Massachusetts
  6. Iowa
  7. New Jersey
  8. Connecticut
  9. North Dakota
  10. Virginia

Source: WalletHub

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