Feel Like A Bad Mom? Most Of Us Do Most Of The Time

Some days we feel like we’re totally winning at this parenting thing, but other days we’re reminded how hard it is. If you’ve ever felt like a “bad mom,” you’re definitely not alone, as a new survey finds a third of moms feel that way sometimes.

The poll of 2-thousand women looks into their experiences after having kids and finds:

  • The average mom who feels like a “bad mom” today feels like this 156 times a year.
  • Nearly two-thirds (65%) of moms use social media and those who do are four times more likely to feel like a bad parent than those who don’t.
  • Over three-quarters (77%) of respondents agree that social media puts pressure on moms to act or look a certain way.
  • While 83% of moms who are familiar with “momfluencers” - social media influencers who cater to moms - watch their content, 65% of them admit they feel more insecure after watching it.
  • Moms say when they see other moms on TV or social media, they feel pressured to add things like exercising (46%), cooking (44%) and waking up early (43%) to their daily routine.
  • As a result of their experiences with seeing online moms, 67% are totally over momfluencers.
  • During their first year of motherhood, 53% of moms say they compared themselves to other moms.
  • In those early days, moms admit they were insecure about whether or not they were meeting their baby’s needs (35%) or being a good parent (32%).
  • Almost three-quarters (72%) of moms who gave birth and experienced changes in their body were afraid something was wrong with them because of how different their body was afterwards.

Source: SWNS Digital

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