Toastmasters' Guide To Sticking To Your New Year's Resolutions

With just a few weeks left in 2023, it’s the time of year many of us start making goals for the year ahead. We’re all so optimistic and ambitious when we think of what we want to accomplish, but by the end of January, many of those New Year’s resolutions are already abandoned.

To help make 2024 the year that you actually achieve your goals, Toastmasters International shares their top tips.

  • Be realistic - Sure, having lofty goals is admirable, but they may leave you frustrated because they’re too tough to actually achieve.
  • Be specific - Concrete goals are the way to go so you have something specific to commit to. Instead of a resolution to lose weight, focus on a specific number of pounds you want to lose by a specific date.
  • Plan ahead - Don’t wait until the ball is about to drop in Times Square to come up with your goals.
  • Make a list and check it regularly - Writing down your goals makes them tangible. Checking back in with your list often helps hold you accountable and keeps you on track.
  • Start small - You’ll get a sense of accomplishment if you start with a resolution that’s easy to achieve in a short amount of time.
  • Share your goals - Telling friends and family what your resolutions are will also help you stay focused on sticking with them.
  • Stay positive - Making changes isn’t easy, so if you struggle with reaching your goal, try not to get discouraged. Beating yourself up won’t help you get there, but being kind to yourself might.
  • Celebrate your successes - You’ll feel more confident with each goal you reach, so focus on those wins, no matter how small they are. And that feeling will help you stick with it and keep working on your resolutions.

Source: Toastmasters

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