How To Use The “365 Reasons Why I Love You” Method

Valentine’s Day puts the highlight on love for one day, but the key to a solid relationship, according to countless experts, is showing respect, appreciation, and love every day. Wendee Wendt of “Parade” is giving us a hand with this by sharing how to use the “365 Reasons Why I Love You” list. There are a few ways to do it. You can write a new note each day and give it to you SO, you can put them in a gift box and give it to them once a year (or whatever time period you want), or you can create a booklet. Here are some examples Wendt is sharing to help give you a good start:

  • Best friends forever. And ever and ever, you are stuck with me, forever.
  • The Yin to my Yang. There is a perfect push and pull to our relationship that allows growth and expansion but keeps us attuned to each other.
  • You complete me. A corny line from a movie? Maybe. But this statement holds true in all aspects of my life, our life together. I would be incomplete without you.
  • You work hard for us. Day in and day out, you go to work to provide for our family.
  • You grill meat, so I don’t have to cook. That is what I tell myself anyway. In reality, you just really love cooking meat.
  • I can control the remote. We watch football and college basketball, all of the time. And even when I fall asleep most nights while watching, it is still on when I wake up.
  • Chivalry is not outdated. You always open doors for me. Nothing makes me feel more special than when you open a car door for me. Some call it old-fashioned, but I don’t care. It makes me feel awesome.

Obviously, you’ll pull from your own life with your boo. For more examples, check here.

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