Lunchables Found To Contain 'Concerning' Levels Of Lead

Lunchables may not be as good for your kids as you think. The prepackaged children’s lunch product -- which contains deli meat, cheese and crackers – has been found to contain “concerning” levels of lead and sodium, according to Consumer Reports. While the levels don’t exceed legal limits, five of the 12 products tested by the consumer group would expose a child to more than 50 percent of California’s maximum amount of lead or cadmium heavy metals that can cause developmental problems and other issues in kids, researchers have found. "There's a lot to be concerned about in these kits," says Consumer Reports’ Amy Keating, a registered dietitian. “They're highly processed, and regularly eating processed meat, a main ingredient in many of these products, has been linked to increased risk of some cancers." What did you eat as a kid that you now know is bad for you?

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