Life as a kid could be so annoying, since you don’t get to decide much about your own life. Now that we’re all grown-up, it’s easy to forget how frustrating it was, but a Reddit post is helping us remember. It asks, “What sucked as a child but is awesome as an adult?” It’s something a lot of us can relate to, as nearly 8-thousand responses have come in already and these are some of the best.

  • “A home cooked meal”
  • “Doing nothing on the weekends”
  • “Brussels sprouts”
  • “Nap time!”
  • “Going to the gym felt like a chore. Now, I enjoy working out and the positive effects it has on my physical and mental health.”
  • “Daily showers.”
  • “Using public libraries instead of buying books felt limiting. Now, I appreciate the resources and community services that libraries offer, making them a valuable asset.”
  • “Drinking water instead of soda”
  • “Hardware stores”
  • “Saving money wasn't a concept I cared about as a child. Now, seeing my savings grow and being financially secure is incredibly rewarding.”
  • “HGTV”
  • “Getting a package of socks as a gift.”
  • “Staying home instead of going to the party.”
  • “Bedtime. As a kid, it was the worst part of the day. But as an adult, it's the highlight of my day”
  • “Watching documentaries”
  • “Personally, rainy weekends”
  • “Visiting museums”
  • “Going to the grocery store. As I kid I was always told no, but as an adult my secret candy/snack stash says yessssss”
  • “Taking a bath”
  • “Siblings”

Source: Reddit

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