*LIST* The Best (And Worst) States For Teachers

Teaching is definitely one of the most important jobs there is, and while it may be rewarding, teachers are often overworked and underpaid. Teachers also tend to be under-appreciated, but they’re more fairly compensated and protected in some parts of the country than others and a new report highlights where those are.

  • WalletHub has just released their annual list of the Best and Worst States for Teachers.
  • All 50 states and Washington, D.C. were ranked on 24 key indicators of teacher-friendliness in two main categories - opportunity & competition and academic & work environment.
  • The states were rated on factors like starting salary, income growth potential, student-to-teacher ratio, teacher security and quality of school systems.
  • The best state for teachers in 2024 is New York, which comes in second for academic & work environment and ninth for opportunity & competition.
  • Maryland, fifth overall, is first for academic & work environment, while California, ninth overall, is number one for opportunity & competition.
  • At the bottom of the list is Maine, making it the worst state for teachers. It comes in dead last for opportunity & competition and 20th for academic & work environment.

The Top 10 Best States for Teachers

(Check out where your state lands on the list here)

  1. New York
  2. Washington
  3. Virginia
  4. Utah
  5. Maryland
  6. Illinois
  7. Georgia
  8. Florida
  9. California
  10. Indiana

The 10 Worst States for Teachers

  1. Maine
  2. Hawaii
  3. New Hampshire
  4. Nevada
  5. Tennessee
  6. Washington, D.C.
  7. South Dakota
  8. Alaska
  9. Oklahoma
  10. Louisiana

Source: WalletHub

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