*LIST* The Most Optimistic States In The U.S.

If you want to feel more positive about the future, you may want to get far out of the city. The most optimistic state in the country is Wyoming, according to a new study from Icelandic Provisions, the company that makes Skyr yogurt. They teamed up with Dr. Deepika Chopra, better known as “The Optimism Doctor” for The Bowl Half Full Report, which reveals where optimism is highest in the U.S.

  • The research includes a survey of 5-thousand Americans, 100 from each state.
  • They were asked about everything from how likely they are to persevere in challenging situations to how often they eat breakfast to get an idea of their healthy habits and how positive their outlook is.
  • States were given a score on The Optimism Index based on those responses.

It turns out, Americans are still pretty positive, as the country gets a 6.7 out of 10 for the National Optimism Index Score.

  • Overall, 92% feel confident in their ability to positively shape their future.
  • So, what’s the secret to having a rosy outlook? The report finds that people who embrace outdoor adventures, fuel themselves with nutritious food and have regular exercise habits aren’t just healthier, they’re more optimistic, too.
  • Americans who eat a healthy breakfast three times a week score higher in optimism (7.9) than those who eat it less often (5.9)
  • Spending more time outside boosts positivity as well, as Americans who spend an hour or more outdoors daily get a 7.0 score, compared to the 6.4 for those who don’t.
  • In Wyoming, 82% of people get up “ready to own the day,” compared to 62% of Americans overall.
  • Nearly all - 98% - residents in that state are willing to retry failed projects, versus 90% of Americans in general.
  • Texas and Mississippi tie for the least optimistic states, with an Optimism Index Score of 6.2.

The Most Optimistic States in the U.S.

  • Wyoming (7.2 Optimism Index Score)
  • California (7.1) and New Jersey (7.1)
  • Alabama (7.0), Maryland (7.0) and Montana (7.0)
  • New York (6.9), Minnesota (6.9), Nebraska (6.9), Missouri (6.9), Michigan (6.9) North Dakota (6.9), Massachusetts (6.9) and South Carolina (6.9).

Source: Icelandic Provisions

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