Live Broadcast: September Babies Birthday Celebration At Rio Bravo Brewing

Rio Bravo Brewing

We're celebrating September Babies!

Friday, September 27th
Rio Bravo Brewing
2nd Street South of I-40

Starting at 5pm, the first 25 people with September 27th birthdays to show Ryan proof of their birthday month will score a $5 Rio Bravo Brewing Gift Card...oh, and Beers are on special for birthday kids for just $5! But you spend your gift card however you want!

Thanks to Cake Fetish...we'll have cupcakes for the September Birthday Kids (while supplies last)

We'll have prizes JUST for the September Babies...drawings every 15 minutes from 5:30-7pm

We'll also have drawings for all you non-birthday folks too!

If you want to get their before us...All drinks are $1 Off for September Birthdays the whole day!!