You Can Now Buy Wendy's Famous Chili at Stores . . . in a Can

There are nearly 6,000 Wendy's locations . . . in more than 2,600 cities . . . including every state. So if you have a craving for Wendy's famous chili, you can probably make that happen. But now, there's another way.

 Wendy's is releasing single-serve cans of chili in grocery stores nationwide. There's no official release date yet . . . but word has it that Kroger stores in a few markets are already stocking it.

  There aren't a lot of details, but we're assuming they'll use the classic Wendy's recipe . . . even though the canned chili won't actually be coming from Wendy's. Instead, it's being made by a packaged foods producer.

 For what it's worth, the chili at Wendy's is made from leftover hamburger meat.

 And on a related note, Red Lobster is launching its first-ever line of frozen entrées, which are also headed to grocery stores nationwide . . . and the options include Cheddar Bay Biscuit Shrimp.

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