The Junk Fee Prevention Act has been introduced to Senate by two Democrats responding to President Biden’s call for fee transparency. Though the proposed legislation, introduced yesterday, deals with more than just live music, it would be instrumental (no pun intended) in changing how concert tickets are sold by reducing added fees that inflate ticket prices.
Rhode Island Senator Sheldon Whitehouse describes the legislation created by he and Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal said, “Consumers are charged hidden fees when purchasing everything from flights to concert tickets.” Whitehouse added, “Our Junk Fee Prevention Act would provide consumers with the transparency they deserve when making a purchase.”
Though the two senators can’t guarantee it’ll make things cheaper, it will at least disincentivize junk fees by requiring companies to “clearly and conspicuously” display the total price of a ticket with all fees included “in each advertisement and when a price is first shown to a consumer.” As for who will punish bad actors who don’t abide by the JFPA, violators would be subject to the penalties of the Federal Trade Commission Act. A state attorney general could also get involved by bringing civil action if the violation affects residents of that state.
Source: Billboard