From the first time we send our kids through the school doors, we’re entrusting them to someone else’s care. The teachers they spend all day with are an integral part of their lives, which makes cultivating a good parent-teacher relationship important. The team at The Every Mom talked to teachers around the country to find out what they’d appreciate from parents, but won’t always ask for.
This is a short wish-list of things parents can do to help their child’s teacher:
- Give your child independence at home - When they’re little, it’s easy to tie your kid’s shoes and zip up their jacket, especially when you’re in a hurry to get to school on time. But giving them the chance to do it will help them master it so the teacher isn’t having to do it for 25 kids at once.
- Feed your kiddo breakfast - Being hungry makes it harder to concentrate and learn, so try to make sure they eat before going to school.
- Read to your kid every night - Taking the time to read bedtime stories gives you a chance to snuggle and it helps instill a love of reading in your little one.
- Keep their bedtime consistent - Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day helps kids build healthy sleep habits and ensure they get the rest they need.
- Donate extra tissues, wipes and hand sanitizer - Back to school time typically comes with the return of germs and sickness for kids … and teachers, too. So help keep the classroom healthy by donating these supplies, if you’re able, and always keep your child home if they’re sick.
- Follow the pick-up and drop-off protocol - Sure, the car line takes a long time, but it’s always safer and quicker if everyone follows the rules.
- Read emails, newsletters and forms - Before you email the teacher to ask about dates, times, supplies, or the field trip, take the time to read the communication they’ve already sent. Chances are, the information is in there and you’ll get the answer without having to ask.
- Remember teachers are people, too - They have their own lives and families and might not respond to a work email on the weekend.
- Assume the teacher’s best intentions - They’re doing the best they can, most of the time, so give them the benefit of the doubt and reach out to them directly if you have concerns.
Source: The Every Mom