You Shop With Our Money - October 29th

The Cash is back!! You Shop With Our Money is brought to you by American Home Furniture & Mattress and this morning you could win at least $700. CLICK HERE to enter to win and then listen for your name weekdays at 7am, 8am and 9am. If we call your name, call us back within 10 minutes at (505) 299-7325 and you win!

7am: JERILYN SALAS did not call us back. $800 coming up at 8am

8am: SAGE MAHAN did not call us back. $900 coming up at 9am

9am: STACEY ATMA CALLED BACK AND WON $900!! We start over with another $100 on Wednesday at 7am

You Shop with Our Money presented by American Home Furniture & Mattress - Thumbnail Image

You Shop with Our Money presented by American Home Furniture & Mattress

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