From KOB-TV:
The last round of rebate checks started going out to New Mexicans Monday.
State officials say it is much-needed relief for New Mexicans dealing with inflation and high prices at the pump.
Starting in June, New Mexico taxpayers started qualifying for rebate checks: $250 for single filers, and $500 for joint returns.
In July, qualifications were income based. Now in August, every taxpayer can expect another round of money.
Anyone who filed a return should expect one, although some New Mexicans may still be waiting for the first round of payments. They have about 30,000 June payments in the queue as hundreds of thousands more head out the door.
If you have not received any of your relief checks there could be a number of reasons why. You may want to double-check that your banking information is correct. If you’re getting a paper check, that will take more time than direct deposits.
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