A Reddit thread has people sharing things that would never fly “back in my day,” but people today are fine with. A user posed the question, “What’s now weirdly acceptable in 2022 that was not acceptable growing up in your generation?” These are some of the things people don’t think twice about today, but older generations wouldn’t have dreamed of doing while growing up.
- “Not answering the phone. When we only had landline phones (yes a long time ago), there was no ringing phone that went unanswered. Now we screen or just plain ignore calls until we are good and ready to deal with it.”
- “Wearing sneakers to work at a fortune 100 company. At the beginning of my career it was suit and tie, then business casual and now I wear stan smiths, jeans and an untucked polo in the most senior position of my working life.”
- “Middle/high school students being allowed to have their cellphones in class. Being caught with our cell phone when I was a high schooler was an automatic detention etc.”
- “Now you can talk to celebrities on social media by commenting on live streams, and Tweeting them. Whereas decades ago you had no access to them at all unless you personally knew them, were related to them, or won a chance to meet them.”
- “Spent my whole life being taught to never get in a stranger's personal car. Now we have a whole business model built around it.”
- “Therapy. So glad it’s being normalized.”
- “Sharing your personal information on the Internet. In the late 90s and 2000s it was ‘be careful, stay anonymous, and don’t share any personal information.’ Now we put everything on the Internet.”
- “I would have never guessed as a young lad that cannabis would be recreationally legal, and I could just drive down the street to a store and purchase edibles, flower, concentrate, hash etc. etc. And how now it's nearly taboo to smoke cigarettes? What a flip.”
- “Saying you met your significant other online.”
- “In the late 2000s, you would have been bullied mercilessly for doing TikTok dances.”
Source: Reddit