SURVEY: Chick-Fil-A, Goldfish & TikTok Among Gen Z's Favorites

What are teens doing these days? Going to Chick-Fil-A according to the 44th Piper Sandler’s semi-annual “Taking Stock With Teens” survey. The survey, which was released this fall, details the ins and outs of what’s popular with Gen Z and the results are a mixed bag. Let’s check it out.

Piper Sandler’s study gathered data from 14,500 teen participants across 47 states. The average age of participants was 15.8 despite the Gen Z birthdates ranging from 1997-2012. So if you’re still a Gen Z but on the “older” side, perhaps these preferences will still ring true for you.

Starting with restaurants, Gen Z loves Chick-Fil-A. The restaurant was the favorite of 15% of survey participants. The rest of the food favorites are as follows:

  1. Chick-fil-A 15%
  2. Starbucks 12%
  3. Chipotle 7%
  4. McDonald’s 6%
  5. Olive Garden 3%

That’s not the only food mentioned in the study as snacks were also taken into consideration:

  1. Goldfish 13%
  2. Lays 10%
  3. Cheez-It 10%
  4. Doritos 6%
  5. Cheetos 5%

The top social media platforms were also released and the results might be a bit different than you thought

  1. TikTok (38%)
  2. Snapchat (30%)
  3. Instagram (20%)

While everyone is most certainly on their phones these days (87% of teens own an iPhone), Piper’s survey revealed that food is perhaps the biggest draw for Gen Z teens as it ranked the number one wallet priority for male upper income teens at 23% share.

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