“Waiting Mode” Is More Common That You Know

“Waiting Mode” is a real thing. If you’ve ever had an appointment in the afternoon and instead of getting things done ahead of time, you stall out and do nothing, you’ve been in waiting mode. Experts say it’s common with people that suffer from ADHD, but others go through it too. Anxiety has a lot to do with it and you shouldn’t feel horrible about it. But… therapist Sarah Shapiro says if you have no real reason to wait beyond a sense of overwhelm, it could be a sign of executive dysfunction. Therapist Gideon Javna suggests “Rather than thinking about the future, focus on your five senses. What does the room smell like? What does your desk feel like? Take a deep breath and connect with the world in front of you.” This will help you feel less anxious, stuck, or stagnant and you can become productive again. When you struggle and can’t fix it yourself, therapy may be the way to go.

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