Kellogg’s CEOs Cereal For Dinner Comment Spurs Three Month Boycott

With Americans spending record amounts on groceries in the last couple of years, it’s probably not a good idea for companies to offend consumers. When the Kellogg’s CEO came out saying that struggling families should choose cereal for dinner, it more than angered people. Now there is a planned three month boycott of the company that started on TikTok. @TallGirl6234 threw the idea out there and it’s grown. On April 1st the three month boycott begins and so you won’t miss Kellogg’s foods like Frosted Flakes or Eggos, her bio has a link to foods that are similar and recipes to make things at home. There is even a list of “off brands” made by the company. Aldi looks to benefit from the wallet protest thanks to its private label foods. Kellogg’s has raised prices by about 28-percent in the last two years. Tall Girl asks that you tag associated posts with “let them eat cereal.”

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