Spring is almost here and when you’re doing your spring cleaning, it may be a good time to clean your dating profile up, too. A new survey from Whirlpool looks at the most important things singles are looking for in a potential partner and it turns out, knowing how to pitch in around the house tops the list.

The poll of singles between the ages of 18 and 44 reveals:

  • Equity around household chores is a top priority for a whopping 94% of people.
  • People also want to date someone who can do basic household chores (91%), laundry (82%) and dishes (81%) properly.
  • But they’re not only looking for those good at domestic responsibilities, 68% are also interested in a responsible partner, while 79% want someone who’s caring.
  • When it comes to online dating, 91% want to see photos showing a well-rounded person, as 90% look at photos to figure out if someone takes care of themselves.
  • Nearly two-thirds (64%) of single online daters prefer pics of a potential match cooking a meal more than working out at the gym.
  • This spring, 83% of single online daters plan to refresh their online profiles and photos.

Whirlpool recently did a little experiment to see what a difference photos make in dating profiles.

  • They recruited seven bachelors in the Chicago area who agreed to swap out their gym selfies and fishing photos for pics of them doing chores around the house, like laundry and cooking.
  • Compared to a three-week period before the experiment, the guys had an average of 79% more DMs, 46% more matches and 100% more connections.
  • Four of the seven bachelors are even in a relationship now.

Source: Yahoo Finance

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