Everyone deals with stress at some point in their life and it can come from a lot of different sources, from work to relationships. While we can’t always eliminate stress completely, it turns out, where you live can play a big role in how stressed you are.

  • WalletHub’s annual report on the Most and Least States has just come out for 2024.
  • They ranked all 50 states on 40 key indicators of stress, broken down into the categories of work, money, family and health & safety.
  • States were compared on everything from average hours worked per week to the share of adults getting adequate sleep.
  • This year’s Most Stressed State is Louisiana, which is third for both work-related and health & safety-related stress and fourth for money-related stress.
  • Alaska, 14th overall, is number one for work-related stress, while Mississippi, second overall, is first for money-related stress, Nevada, third overall, is tops for family-related stress, and Arkansas, fifth overall, is first for health & safety-related stress.
  • Minnesota wins the honor of least stressed state, coming in 50th for money-related stress and near the bottom for all other categories.

The Top 10 Most Stressed States

(Check out where your state lands here)

  1. Louisiana
  2. Mississippi
  3. Nevada
  4. New Mexico
  5. Arkansas
  6. West Virginia
  7. Alabama
  8. Kentucky
  9. Oklahoma
  10. Texas

The 10 Least Stressed States

  1. Minnesota
  2. South Dakota
  3. Utah
  4. New Hampshire
  5. Iowa
  6. Idaho
  7. North Dakota
  8. Delaware
  9. Nebraska
  10. Hawaii

Source: WalletHub

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